Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Stone Turning Piercing: The “Medusa”.

The philtrum, mostly known as the “Medusa” piercing, is one of my all time favorites. Usually pierced by a labret, it's placed in the groove above the center of the top lip. There is a variation of this piercing called the 'jestrum' but that's a posting for another day.

Placement of a Medusa piercing is VERY, VERY important. Placed wrong, it can throw off the whole symmetry of ones face which, in turn, would cause everything to look unbalanced. Double check placement before the needle touches your skin.

The Medusa piercing is mostly worn with a labret but! Rings and other jewelry are possible.

I'd say the care instructions for this piercing are pretty basic. I'm not sure about others but when I got my pierced, oh my world on fire, my lip swelled so much. I'll share my experience in a different post. All I'm going to say is to make sure you have a comfortable length bar that leaves room for swelling. Also ice is your friend. It's recommended to stay away from spicy foods, acidic juices an hot beverages for the first few days. And you'll want to rinse with Listerine or any ANTISEPTIC mouthwash for 3seconds after each meal, soft drink and cigarette. If you're a tobacco chewer, it's advised to now chew for at least one week. This is the basic inside cleaning for the piercing.

For basic outside cleaning, clean it twice a day- once in the morning, once at night. Make sure the bead is tight if it is a labret or beaded piercing. After 3 weeks, it's safe to change out the jewelry for a shorter bar.

Remember, each piercer is going to have a different set of aftercare instructions and each person is different. Some people might not get much lip swelling, some might. Time of healing before it's safe to change the jewelry may vary from person to person and studio. If you're interested in any piercing, I recommend first researching it so you know exactly what you're going to yourself into, think about if you really want it, how to take care of it and so on.

Also, it's a good idea to get the phone number of your piercer in case you have an emergency question or if any problems arise.

I've recently gotten this piercing, again. I've had it once before but took it out and regretted it oh so much. Happily, I am with metal once again.

I find facial piercings to be a big commitment. Some are easier to hide than others. Luckily, retainers are available. Though they do not make the piercings 100% invisible, they make it not as obvious that you have a new hole in your face haha.

Pierce on, friends.
Pierce. On.